Saturday, February 17, 2007


That day I went to a place out of my preferences, a world so far from who I am...
but when I get in, inmediatly your face like a shining ligth appear in front of me,
and didnt understand why my actittude change and dont understand it yet.

Then, trougth the happiness that invade the dancefloor of that common world,
our world started to raise up, between everyone we scape and took time to our desolation.
And the shadows wrap our shertered desires, throwing me in a nigthspell that caugth me
and made me wait a while until disappear from me these sweeter but painful thougths.

The nigth was trying to keep us on his chains, without possibilities of brake them and scape from that place. We just wait enjoing every minute until tha moment past. Await the allow desires blow out and disappear for ever.

At the end just two thouthgs>1. Everything is better if u stand here with me. 2. I love you.

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