Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The weather is different, the darkness star to disappear,
the sky turn clear again and leave me all sense of fear...
Im wet, i start to feel nervous when the same God´s creature appear in front of me.
Im leaving the past, forgotten my cruelty reality and changing
at every moment. Now, i know and recognize all of my faults and
my faithless but I got a second chance... with you everything isn´t
the way it was, ur ligthing clear my mind.

I was a soldier of the dark side of the moon, but now.
Me, the one that was forbidden, and forsaken by the feelings
wants to stay with you ,oh greatest princess that saves me
from a eternal and drowned solitude...
I get nervous cause sometimes i think is too much for me..
but it´s true is my turn to be happy and feel the real meaning of love...
Cause this time, is the same for us we love each other.

Honey thanks... :)

Monday, February 26, 2007

wating your end...

Why cant you see that im sick of you
I hate you, the way you make me feel
guilty of all the bullshits you've done
in your whole life...

You protect me?, dont make laught,
protect yourself from me, isn't my fault
that your life was a tragedy, so don't turn
mine into the same that was yours.

Everyone betraid you, and at the past
you prefer them over us , your own blood!!!
your fucking sons, but it's ok....

Now get ready MF, I'll show you all the hate
and pain you made me felt.You will see how
sick and mad i could be....

Ur Betraid son
Dark Angel

Monday, February 19, 2007

Everithing seems to be againts me, i dont know where else to go.
I locked up, and then I fall in emptyness, depress again. i dont know whats wrong
but there´s something that cling to me and keep me unable to move.
It scare me, cause Im supposed to feel great but it seems to be different.
The pain and fear raise up again inside of me. Death inside full of nothingness
Kissed by the Queen of Damnation that drown me in my blood and left my
body without sigh and trow in the floor.
The last time I tried to be happy and found myself in someone,
you appear in front of my eyes, like everything I always needed,
and is true since u are here with me, all that killed my thougths
and squeeze my hope turning it to nothing, disappear.

I asked for help and you answer me, without take care about my past,
you came to write a fairy tale in my heart. Im still in darkness
but now ligthing by your shining presence. Cold was my soul all this time
but the warm feel of your hugs has change that. Arigato

Ur Dark Angel

Saturday, February 17, 2007


That day I went to a place out of my preferences, a world so far from who I am...
but when I get in, inmediatly your face like a shining ligth appear in front of me,
and didnt understand why my actittude change and dont understand it yet.

Then, trougth the happiness that invade the dancefloor of that common world,
our world started to raise up, between everyone we scape and took time to our desolation.
And the shadows wrap our shertered desires, throwing me in a nigthspell that caugth me
and made me wait a while until disappear from me these sweeter but painful thougths.

The nigth was trying to keep us on his chains, without possibilities of brake them and scape from that place. We just wait enjoing every minute until tha moment past. Await the allow desires blow out and disappear for ever.

At the end just two thouthgs>1. Everything is better if u stand here with me. 2. I love you.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A drug that slave the human

Es una necesidad el buscar ser ´´feliz´´`, pero donde encontrar esta supuesta felicidad?
Supuesta por el hecho de que la encontramos en otras personas, en el dinero , o simplemente
en un trabajo. Solo el hecho de ser feliz al encontrar a una persona ideal verdaderamente ideal
es ser feliz, al igual que lo es cuando te sientes alegre en tu situacion actual en el ambito emocional, economico o lo que sea. Ahora dirigiendome al punto, la droga k esclaviza al humano: EL AMOR si, suena estupido mas saliendo de una persona como yo pero es algo cierto. Cuando amas a alguien te concentras en esa persona y tu vida se torna alegre por el hecho de que tu bienestar personal aumenta con la precensia de esa persona en tu vida o no?...

Si consigues el estar satisfecho con tu estado actual es porque encontraste la felicidad que tanto anhela el humano, y la busca en tantos sitios en su exterior cuando se encuentra en uno mismo y solo se consigue cuando aceptas tu vida porque la has vivido... Y mejor aun cuando es con ayuda de otra persona, siempre y cuando te ayude a conocerte a ti mismo y comprenda las cosas que no puedas cambiar de ti o te las haga cambiar solo por el hecho de que lograste comprender que ese habito estaba mal, asi que agradecele eso que ha hecho por ti :D.

Si, amor, palabra a la cual no se le ha encontrado, a mi criterio, una definicion exacta o precisa pero que abarca demasiado sentimentalismo como para ser comprendida por un solo ser, para comprenderla necesitas ayuda. Creanme es mas facil cuando te ayudan a encontrar su significado y luego de saberlo se te hace dificil explicar que es eso...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Gothic Soul.

Aqui en mi amargo rincon
acomodo la cabeza en mi soledad
abro las ventanas de esta oscura habitacion
para dejar entrar a la inseguridad.

Permanesco inmovil en mi realidad
mientras el odio se apodera de mi
Pues antes de este doloroso momento
invadian mis pensamientos,
solo pena y sufrimiento.
Hasta este momento asi vivi,
sin conocer la felicidad.

No he visto con claridad,
porque tinieblas nublan mi vista.
Y por mas que intente creerme que vivo
mi desilusion me mantiene cautivo.
Preso, para no sentir k la felicidad exista!!!
Me consumo en mi soledad.

Gothic Soul..Dark Angel

Monday, February 5, 2007

I just want to say...

Im so different with you at my side
cause every moment that injured me in the past
All this time found happiness i tried.
And i found you in my last.

I always was alone in my dark side,
trying to forget how many times i cried.
Just look at the mirror and saw all my tears
the ones that you wipe away with my fears.

Thats why appreciate you so much,
My love to you will never end
Because you're more than a best friend
Here in my empty world, i was dying so slowly
and when my last sigh runaway, and faith stop to exist to me...

An amazing shinering ligth, appear among the nothingness
and a beautiful princess fight, to return to me the happiness.
I woke up and defeat everyone of my fears, at your side imposible is nothing
I havent seem a tear, after we love together. Cause this love seems to be for ever

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Is true, is a waste of time try to find good things to life,
is true, that things seem good but is all crap.
well that was my thougth, in all that i trust, but is a lie.
that was just because i havent meaning of life.
But now is so different, the happines that i lost someday
has return to me. I know how seems heaven cause im living something
like that right here in my life.

When my breath gone you appear and share yours with me,
but sometimes i see you far away from the reallity. Its ok i can deal
with that hoping someday that change, but until that happen im here
wating for you, like you found me and always will gonna see me, here alone and sitting in the darkness, praying to make longer the time that we spend together, and enjoing every second at your side. God bless me with your presence here i cant deny that i love you...